Master 1 / 2 Black Belts, Brown Belts, Purple Belts & Advanced, matches are 6 Minutes
Master 1 / 2 White Belt, Blue Belts, Intermediate and Beginner matches are 5 minutes
All Master 3 / 4 & Master 5 matches are 5 minutes
Consolation matches may be up to 1 minute less than non-consolation matches

Liberty Events reserves our right to refuse service to anyone.

Points/Penalties for The Revolution Gi and No Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Tournaments
The Revolution tournaments use the rules from the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation as the guideline for points, advantages, and penalties.
Gi and No Gi are scored the same for all takedowns and positional points.
For points to be awarded on all positions, including takedowns, 3 consecutive seconds of control must be established. No points can be earned while DEFENDING a submission. 3 seconds of control starts after the submission is defended.
Points are earned only through escalating positions. Choosing to go from mount to knee on belly will not earn the knee on belly points, going from knee on belly to mount will earn both positional points if each was held for 3 consecutive seconds.
Point scoring positions:
2 Points: Takedown, Knee on Belly, Sweep
3 Points: Guard pass
4 Points: Front Mount, Back Mount, Side/Technical Mount, and Back Grab (Back with hooks).
An advantage point is counted when an athlete achieves a point scoring position but does not maintain the position for the entire 3 second duration, when an athlete attempts a submission hold where the opponent is in real danger of being submitted, or when the opponent has committed multiple penalties.
Some examples of advantage scoring actions are:
Putting the opponent down onto their back, side, or seated but not maintaining control for 3 seconds.
Attempting a single leg takedown and the opponent exiting the match area to defend the takedown.
Guard Pass:
Trying to pass the guard and the opponent turns to all fours and the passer achieves a top position.
Athlete achieves a controlling half guard position (reverse half guard, and descending positions (mount to half guard for example) does NOT apply
Both athletes pull guard the first athlete to achieve top position receives an advantage.
Clearly causing the opponent to lose their balance and while attempting to complete the movement the opponent goes out of bounds.
Knee on Belly:
When the athlete places the knee on the belly but does not have the other knee off the ground.
When the top athlete is sitting on top of the bottom athlete but has both arms trapped under their legs.
Back Grab:
When the athlete has control of the opponent’s back and has their feet crossed instead of properly placed inside the opponents thighs.When the athlete has control of the opponent’s back but has both arms trapped under their legs.
Fouls and Penalties:
Penalties awarded by the referee are to assure that the match flows properly, and that the rules of the sport are being respected.
Fouls are separated into 3 categories: Severe, Serious, and Lack of Combativeness.
Severe fouls are subdivided into Technical and Disciplinary. Both are immediate Disqualifications but Technical fouls will allow the opponent to compete again at the event if there are more matches for the athlete. Disciplinary fouls will NOT allow the athlete to compete at that event regardless of available matches.
Technical Examples:
Fleeing the match area while the opponent is applying a submission hold.
Not wearing a proper undergarment while competing in the gi portion of the event.
When the athlete’s gi becomes unusable and the athlete cannot replace the gi in the allowed time.
When an athlete applies an illegal hold for their respective division.
Disciplinary Examples:
Athlete bites, pulls hair, strikes or applies pressure to the genitals or eyes, or intentionally uses a traumatic blow of any kind.
Athlete directs profane language or obscene gestures to the opponent, center table, referee, or the public
Severe Fouls:
Immediate disqualification will occur when an athlete:
Has their uniform become unusable and the athlete cannot exchange it within the time set by the referee or tournament director.
Deliberately flees the match area to avoid submitting to a submission hold applied by their opponent.
Intentionally attempts to get their opponent disqualified by reacting in a way that places their opponent in an illegal position
Is not wearing a proper undergarment under their uniform and it comes to the attention of the referee.
Applies cream, gel, oil, lotion, or any slippery substance to any part of the body.
Applies any substance to increase adherence to any part of the body.
Utilizes any substance to make the kimono slippery to their opponents’ grips.
Without using the gi strangles their opponent using both hands, or applies pressure to the windpipe using the thumb.
Uses profane language or obscene gestures.
Exhibits hostile behavior.
Blocks the passage of air to the opponent’s nose or mouth using their hand.
Blow of any kind (such as punch, elbow, kick, knee, head butt, etc)
When the athlete defending the single leg takedown, with the attacking athlete's head on the outside, intentionally projects the the attacker's head to the ground, by grabbing the opponent's belt
The suplex movement that will project or force the opponent's head or neck into the ground
Applies a hold prohibited for their respective division.
Lack of Combativeness (Stalling):
Defined as:
One athlete is clearly not pursuing positional progression in a match and also impeding their opponent from carrying out said progression. 20 consecutive seconds are required for each stalling penalty. The penalties for Lack of Combativeness will follow the same escalation sequence as Serious Fouls, and be added to any Serious Fouls already marked.
When both athletes simultaneously demonstrate a lack of combativeness in any position in a match.
Lack of combativeness will NOT be declared when an athlete is defending themselves from the opponent’s attacks from mount, back control, side control or north-south positions.
Some examples of stalling are:
When an athlete:
Upon reaching side control or north-south positions over their opponent does not seek positional progression.
In an opponent’s closed guard does not seek to pass the guard and at the same time prevents the opponent from seeking positional progression from the guard.
Playing closed guard wraps their arms around the opponent’s back, or performs any other controlling movement clutching the opponent to them without attempting to achieve a submission or a scoring position.
On foot grabs and maintains their hand on the opponent’s belt, preventing the opponent from completing a takedown movement, and without attempting an attack of any kind.
Serious Fouls:
Serious fouls are cumulative. They will follow the progression of:
1st Serious foul = Penalty on the offender’s scoreboard
2nd Serious foul = Penalty on the offender’s scoreboard and an Advantage awarded to the opponent
3rd Serious foul = Penalty on the offender’s scoreboard and 2 Points awarded to the opponent
4th Serious foul = (for athletes 15 and older) = Disqualification.
For athletes 14 and younger Serious fouls 4 and 5 each result in a penalty on the offender’s scoreboard and 2 points awarded to the opponent, the 6th Serious foul will result in Disqualification.
Any Lack of Combativeness penalties will be added to the escalation of penalties for Serious Fouls.
List of Serious Fouls:
When an athlete:
Kneels or sits without having a grip on the opponent
Standing flees the bounds of the match area, avoiding combat.
Pushes their opponent to outside the match area without the clear intent of progressing the match.
On the ground evades combat by sliding themselves out of the match area.
On the ground stands to escape combat and does not return to combat on the ground.
Intentionally removes their own gi or belt, causing the match to be stopped.
Grabs the opening of the opponent’s gi top or pants, and when an athlete passes a hand through the inside of the opponent’s gi to grip the external part of the gi.
Communicates with the referee by speaking or gestures, except for medical reasons.
Disobeys a referee order.
When an athlete exits the match area following a match prior to the referee announcing the result.
Deliberately exits the match to prevent the opponent from completing a sweep. *In this case, and only this case, the referee will signal 2 points awarded to the athlete attempting the sweep and 1 penalty be marked for the athlete who exited the match area.
In No-Gi grabs their uniform or the uniform of their opponent in any way.
Places their hand or foot on the opponent’s face.
Intentionally places their foot in the opponent’s belt.
Intentionally places their foot in the opponent’s lapel without having a grip on the same lapel.
Places their foot in the lapel behind the opponent’s neck with or without a grip of the lapel.
Uses their belt or the opponent’s belt to assist in a choke or any other circumstance while the belt is untied.
Holds the neck using both hands, one in front and one behind.
Takes more than 20 seconds to tie their belt during the stoppage of a match. (20 seconds per belt)
Runs around the match area and does not engage in combat.
Unintentionally reacts in a way the places their opponent in an illegal position
For white belts, beginners, and all athletes under 18 regardless of belt or skill, it is forbidden for an athlete to jump for a closed guard while their opponent is standing. This includes all "flying attacks" that are initiated by jumping guard. When this occurs, the referee will stop the match and restart with the athlete’s standing at the center of the mat.