This is the outline for awarding team points at The Revolution BJJ/Submission Wrestling Tournaments.
In an effort to encourage and reward participation of more experienced competitors, 1st place poitns will be awarded on a scale depending on the skill level of the divisions. 2nd place points and 3rd place points will remain constant, regardless of the skill level.
Only adult & master brackets will be counted toward the academy points. (not youth brackets) If an athlete is representing more than one academy the points will be split between the two academies. If a blue belt is representing BJJ123/ToughGuysABC and wins his division, BJJ123 will receive 5 points and ToughGuysABC will receive 5 point.
There will be an award for Gi, an award for NoGi, and an award for Overall Team Total. The awards will be per tournament and be for the academy to keep.

Liberty Events and Promotions, LLC strives to provide the best experience for each competitor. We take seriously the opportunity to serve you and help you grow on your journey in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. In an effort to help each competitor have a great competition here are some general tips.
Check the brackets when you get to the venue. Make sure you see your name on a bracket and note the division so you know what you are listening for over the intercom.
Check your weight when you get to the venue. Don’t “think your weight is good” if you can check and KNOW your weight is good.
Pack lightly. Don’t bring everything you own down matside with you. At most bring picture ID, a small bottle of something to drink, a light snack (energy bar or piece of fruit) and maybe a sweatshirt to stay warm between matches at most.
Wear footwear at all times, especially in the restroom. You will be REQUIRED to have footwear to step past the scale.
Have a uniform that is clean, of proper fit, and in good condition. For gi the top and pants must match color. For No-Gi you must wear rashguard or tight fitting t-shirt. Shorts may not have pockets, buttons, zippers, or snaps.
Know the rules for your sport. It is not the referee’s duty to educate you on the rules. It is the obligation of each competitor to know the rules. “Allowed Holds” are posted by the brackets. Check the posted document if you have any questions of what is allowed and what isn’t allowed for your belt or skill level.
Be ready for your estimated call time.
Be patient if your bracket is not called first for the estimated call time.
Don’t talk with the score table while a match is active.
If you win, verify your name is recorded as the winner of the match.
If you lose verify that there are no other matches for you on the bracket. We provide a consolation match in an effort to give a great value. If you don’t want your consolation match please notify the table so your consolation opponent isn’t negatively affected, and we can still get them their second match.
Once you get weighed in, make sure to communicate with the ring coordinator, or score table once you are matside. It would be a shame to get disqualified as a “No Show” after making weight because you couldn’t be found when your match was ready.
Have fun and compete hard. Thanks for your support